【同义词辨析】 2019-09-26 怒容frown-lower

frown: implies a stern face and contracted brows that express concentration, bewilderment, anger, displeasure, or contempt: the teachers ~ed on my boyish pranks.  frown皱眉的反义词是smile微笑 (stern严肃严厉,特别指在用权或处罚时stresses inflexibility and inexorability of temper or character,如a stern judge who seemed immune to pleas for mercy一个严厉的法官不愿宽大处理)

scowl: suggests a similar expression that conveys bad humor, sullenness, or resentful puzzlement: a grumpy old man who ~ed habitually.  sullen表示生闷气,不愿说话,不愿交往或配合implies a silent ill humor and refusal to be sociable or cooperative,如remained sullen throughout the party整个晚会上都在生闷气,在2018-04-17 不快sullen-gloomy) 又如he wore a permanent scowl on his face他终日面带怒容

glower: implies a direct defiant brooding stare or glare as in contempt or defiance: the natives merely ~ed at the invading tourists.brood这里指一直盯着瞪着,原意是母鸡孕育小鸡,一小鸡,比喻长期怀有想法,如he brooded over his dead mother他对已故母亲念念不忘,如for years he brooded vengeance/suicide多年来他一直在盘算报仇/自杀,如a brood of chicks一小鸡,可用于人,如a mother and her brood母亲和一窝孩子,如a remarkable brood of writers几位优秀作家) glower原意是stare凝视盯,但现在主要表示glare瞪

lower: suggests a menacing darkness or gloomy anger and refers either to persons OR to skies that promise bad weather: ~ed as he went about his work, never uttering a word.         又如a day of lowering clouds一天云,如to lower price/volume/coffin/flag降低价格/音量/棺材/旗

frown皱眉: 指表情严肃眉毛缩紧,可表示多种情感,如专注困惑愤怒不快轻蔑,scowl怒容绷脸: 表情类似,但表示心情差生闷气或带怨恨的困惑,glower瞪: 指长时间瞪眼,表达轻蔑抗拒,lower沉脸天阴: 表示面色阴沉甚至带怒容,可指面色差或天气

记忆方法: 1)首字母FSGL凡事过了过犹不及<==怒容          

         2)怒容的意思是脸色阴暗面带威胁mean to put on a dark or threatening countenance or appearance.